Research Article

Complementary Feeding Practices and Household Food Insecurity Status of Children Aged 6–23 Months in Shashemene City West Arsi Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

Table 4

Chi-square association of CF indicators with food security status among mothers of 6–23-month children in Shashemene city, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2020 (N = 520).

VariablesMMFMDDMADACFPIntroduction of CF
Met, N (%)PvMet, N (%)PvMet, N (%)PvMet, N (%)PvYes, N (%)Pv

Food secure71(73.2)147(48.5)147(48.5)140(41.2)166(68)1
FI without hunger113(64.2)0.2371(40.3)0.00669(39.2)0.2153(30.1)0.56128(72.7)0.67
FI with moderate hunger102(53.4)0.4669(36.1)0.00368(35.6)≤0.01035(18.3)≤0.001130(68.1)≤0.001
FI with severe hunger41(73.2)0.0834(60.7)≤0.00133(58.9)0.00228(50)≤0.00129(51.8)0.02

FI: food insecurity, Pv: -value, CF: complementary feeding, MMF: minimum meal frequency, MDD: minimum dietary diversity, MAD: minimum acceptable diet, ACFP: appropriate complementary feeding, and N: count (%).