Research Article

Complementary Feeding Practices and Household Food Insecurity Status of Children Aged 6–23 Months in Shashemene City West Arsi Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

Table 6

Multivariate association of food security status with CF indicators of children aged 6–23 months in Shashemene city, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2020.

Background characteristicsMMFMDDMADIntroduction of CF
AOR (95% CI)PvAOR (95% CI)PvAOR (95% CI)PvAOR (95% CI)Pv

Characteristics of children
 Child age (months)
Characteristics of mothers
 Age (yrs)
 Mothers’ education
  No formal education1111
  Primary school1.020.62–1.660.931.170.73–1.80.491.050.63–1.770.821.30.80–2.210.72
  2 yr and above0.910.53–1.540.720.920.55–1.530.731.240.80–1.910.321.00.62–1.880.78
 Mother’s employment
  Unskilled worker1.650.91––1.500.570.820.46–1.480.520.880.47–1.660.70
  Skilled workers1.230.67–2.40.491.040.57–1.870.210.960.53–1.720.891.130.60–2.130.69
Household characteristics
 Household’s monthly expenditure on food
 Households food security status
 Wealth quintile