Research Article

The Use of Simulation in Nursing Education Programs: A Cross-Sectional Interuniversity Study

Table 4

Analysis of expert opinion.

Main categoriesSecondary categoriesExemplary responses of participants

Role of simulation in the nursing curriculumSecurityP4: “The student can learn from the mistake without repercussions for anyone”
P15: “The simulation allows students to practice in a safe environment. Make mistakes and learn from your mistakes”
Relationship between theory and practiceP2: “Give a complementary and added value to the theoretical studies”
P12: “It gives them a picture of their capabilities and how they are in terms of theoretical and practical knowledge, and what are the things they need to strengthen”
Technical and nontechnical skillsP5: “Methodology that allows you to work on technical and nontechnical skills, as well as teamwork, leadership, critical thinking, and decision-making”
P10: “Technical skills training. Reflection on action”
Critical thinkingP6: “It is essential to develop critical thinking and reflective practice during nursing studies”
P10: “Training transversal competences with leadership, decision-making, teamwork, and critical thinking”

Limitations in simulation compared to clinical practicesResourcesP1: “Economic and material needs”
P5: “High economic and human resource cost, as well as the limitation in time and academic schedules to double the groups”
MethodologyP1: “Methodological limitations in the application of the simulation. More formal training is required”
P5: “Lack of scientific evidence to support the implementation of this methodology to work on specific skills”
RealityP2: “Sometimes, it is challenging for students to immerse themselves in their roles as if it were real life”
P9: “It can be difficult to simulate the uncertainty of real clinical situations, where there is an unpredictable element that is beyond all control and is related to the reactions, motivations, and emotions of individuals”

The role of high-fidelity simulation in nursing educationSecurityP4: “A safe approach for the student where they can learn from their mistakes”
P10: “It is about safety, both for the student and the patient. Subsequent debriefing promotes critical thinking and reflection on action and creates a culture where errors are a source of learning and not a punitive space”
Acquisition of skillsP1: “Teamwork and autonomy skills”
P12: “Also, teamwork and empowering toward decision-making using critical thinking... so that the student can make decisions”
Approach to realityP3: “It allows them to approach reality”
P9: “Allows training and getting in touch with situations that the student is likely to encounter in real practice”