Research Article

Student Competency for Midtrimester Obstetrics Scan upon Completion of the Master’s Degree in Medical Sonography

Figure 1

Fetal biometric plane and measurement: (a) measurement of the head circumference (HC), where an ellipse is drawn around the outer calvarium and biparietal diameter (BPD), showing the measurement diameter from the outer to the inner table of the parietal bone (cross mark measurement); (b) measurement of the abdominal circumference (AC) in the transverse abdominal view approach showing a symmetrical plane with the presence of the fluid-filled stomach (ST) and portal sinus (arrow); (c) measurement of the femur length (FL) in a longitudinal view showing the presence of the distal and proximal ends of the diaphysis, in which the measurement points should be placed at the midpoint of each diaphyseal end (cross mark measurement).