Research Article

Determinants of Pelvic Floor Disorders among Women Visiting the Gynecology Outpatient Department in Wolkite University Specialized Center, Wolkite, Ethiopia

Table 2

Reproductive health and medical history of study participants.

Variable (n = 270)Pelvic floor disorderFrequency (%)

Ever had pregnancy (n = 270)Yes47 (17.4)150 (55.6)197 (73.0)
No1 (0.4)72 (26.7)73 (27.0)

Age at your first pregnancy (n = 197)<18 years old25 (12.7)27 (13.7)52 (26.4)
≥18 years old22 (11.2)123 (62.4)145 (73.6)

Number of pregnancies (n = 197)4 and less23 (11.7)131 (66.5)154 (78.2)
5 and above24 (12.2)19 (9.6)43 (21.8)

History of abortion (n = 197)Yes13 (6.6)11 (5.6)24 (12.2)
No34 (17.4)139 (70.6)173 (87.8)

Ever had childbirth (n = 197)Yes47 (23.9)148 (75.1)195 (99.0)
No0 (0.1)2 (1.0)2 (1.0)

Number of childbirths (n = 195)4 and less22 (11.3)131 (67.2)153 (78.5)
5 and above25 (12.8)17 (8.7)42 (21.5)

Mode of delivery at first childbirth (n = 195)Vaginal41 (21.0)137 (70.3)178 (91.3)
Cesarean section6 (3.1)11 (5.6)17 (8.7)

Ever had vaginal delivery (n = 195)Yes45 (23.1)146 (74.9)191 (97.9)
No2 (1.0)2 (1.0)4 (2.1)

Number of vaginal deliveries (n = 191)4 and fewer18 (9.4)139 (72.8)157 (82.2)
5 and more27 (14.1)7 (3.7)34 (17.8)

Episiotomy during delivery (n = 191)Yes7 (3.7)6 (3.1)13 (6.8)
No38 (19.9)140 (73.3)178 (93.2)

Ever had instrumental delivery (n = 193)Yes3 (1.6)2 (1.0)5 (2.6)
No42 (22.0)144 (75.4)186 (97.4)

Ever cesarean delivery (n = 195)Yes3 (1.5)19 (9.7)22 (11.3)
No44 (22.6)129 (66.2)173 (88.7)

Menopause (n = 270)Yes22 (8.1)10 (3.7)32 (11.9)
No26 (9.6)212 (78.5)238 (88.1)

History of chronic cough (n = 270)Yes3(1.1)3 (1.1)6 (2.2)
No45 (16.7)219 (81.1)264 (97.8)

History of constipation (n = 270)Yes4 (1.5)3 (1.1)7 (2.6)
No44 (16.3)219 (81.1)263 (97.4)