Research Article

Comparison of Placenta Previa and Placenta Accreta Spectrum Disorder Following Previous Cesarean Section between Women with a Short and Normal Interpregnancy Interval

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics of the study participants.

VariablesNormal IPI (n = 124)Short IPI (n = 124)Test statdf-value

Mean age (SD)34.06 (3.88)33.19 (4.54)t = −1.632460.11

Age group (years)χ2 = 3.1920.07
 Less 200 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)
 20–3461 (49.2%)75 (60.5%)
 >3463 (50.8%)49 (39.5%)

Marital statusχ2 = 1.3520.51
 Single0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)
 Married123 (99.2%)121 (97.6%)
 Divorced0 (0.0%)1 (0.8%)
 Widowed1(0.8%)2 (1.6%)

Educational statusχ2 = 2.7830.43
 No formal2 (1.6%)2 (1.6%)
 Primary2 (1.6%)4 (3.2%)
 Secondary43 (34.7%)32 (25.8%)
 Tertiary77 (62.1%)86 (69.4%)

Employment statusχ2 = 3.1910.07
 Employed117 (94.4%)109 (87.9%)
 Unemployed7 (5.6%)15 (12.1%)

Religionχ2 = 1.0210.31
 Christian123 (99.2%)121 (97.6%)
 Others1 (0.8%)3 (2.4%)

NB: IPI = interpregnancy interval, SD = standard deviation, df = degree of freedom.