Research Article

The Natural Carotenoid Crocetin and the Synthetic Tellurium Compound AS101 Protect the Ovary against Cyclophosphamide by Modulating SIRT1 and Mitochondrial Markers

Figure 3

Crocetin reduces CPM-induced phosphorylation of key proteins in the PTEN/PI3K/Akt pathway. Protein analysis was conducted on ovaries from 8-week-old mice (, per experimental group) removed 24 hours after a single dose of CPM preceded or not by crocetin or AS101 pretreatment. Western blots of pAKT (a) and pFOXO3a (b) and representative images (c). Fold change is represented as a bar graph. Experiments were repeated three times with similar results. One-way ANOVA (), followed by multiple comparison by Holm-Sidak (; ).