Research Article

Differential Alterations of the Mitochondrial Morphology and Respiratory Chain Complexes during Postnatal Development of the Mouse Lung

Figure 8

Representative immunofluorescence analysis of mitochondrial complex IV subunit II protein in AECII from lung tissue sections of newborn (NB), P15, and adult (AL) animals. Lung tissue samples from the three postnatal stages were embedded into paraffin. Thereafter, 3 μm paraffin sections were cut with a rotation microtome and processed further for indirect double immunofluorescence.The lung sections were incubated overnight for double labelling with primary antibodies against mitochondrial complex IV subunit II and pro-SP-C, a marker for AECII (Table 1). The following morning, the sections were washed and incubated with the secondary antibodies (Table 1) for 2 h at room temperature. Double fluorescence samples were analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) with a Leica TCS SP5. (a, d, and g) Double immunofluorescence stainings of AECII with their marker protein pro-SP-C. (b, e, and h) IF preparations for the mitochondrial complex IV subunit II. (c, f, and i) Double IF overlay for complex IV subunit II combined with pro-SP-C. NB, newborn; P15, postnatal day 15; AL, adult. Bars represent 20 μm.