Research Article

[Retracted] Irisin Attenuates Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, and Apoptosis in the H9C2 Cellular Model of Septic Cardiomyopathy through Augmenting Fundc1-Dependent Mitophagy

Figure 1

Irisin activates Fundc1-related mitophagy in LPS-stimulated cardiomyocytes. (a, b) Western blot analysis shows Fundc1 levels in control, LPS-stimulated, and irisin plus LPS-stimulated cardiomyocytes. (c, d) Immunofluorescence assay results demonstrate mitophagy index in control, LPS-stimulated, and irisin plus LPS-stimulated cardiomyocytes. Note: denotes vs. PBS group; # denotes vs. LPS group; bar: 45 μm.