Research Article

[Retracted] Cryptotanshinone Protects against PCOS-Induced Damage of Ovarian Tissue via Regulating Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Membrane Potential, Inflammation, and Apoptosis via Regulating Ferroptosis

Figure 7

Cryptotanshinone protects against the deleterious effects underlying PCOS through inhibition of ferroptosis and activation of MAPK. (a) Histopathological analysis of ovary tissues obtained from different treatment groups. (b) TUNEL staining of ovary tissues obtained from different treatment groups. (c) Proportion of TUNEL-positive cells of ovary tissues obtained from different treatment groups. (d) Body weight or animals in different groups, (e) Ovarian weight from different groups. (f) Ovary quotiety in different groups. (g) Lee’s index. (h) BMI of animals in different groups. (i) FSH level in different groups. (j) LH level in different groups. (k) LH/FSH ratio in different groups. (l) Testosterone level in different groups. , compared to control; # compared to IR; $ compared to IR+CRY; & compared to IR+CRY+ferrostatin-1.