Research Article

Waterloo Handedness Questionnaire: Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Arabic Version

Table 3

Internal consistency, rotated factor loadings for the WHQ-Ar 36 items using principal axis method with the explained variance for the factor, .

Questionnaire (single factor)Cronbach’s ItemsCronbach’s if item deletedFactor loadings

Handedness0.979Item 10.9790.729
Item 20.9780.867
Item 30.9790.665
Item 40.9790.720
Item 50.9780.868
Item 60.9780.879
Item 70.9790.741
Item 80.9780.883
Item 90.9780.884
Item 100.9790.619
Item 110.9780.857
Item 120.9780.768
Item 130.9780.850
Item 140.9790.761
Item 150.9780.906
Item 160.9780.766
Item 170.9800.635
Item 180.9790.515
Item 190.9790.506
Item 200.9800.548
Item 210.9790.712
Item 220.9790.744
Item 230.9780.863
Item 240.9780.888
Item 250.9790.754
Item 260.9790.723
Item 270.9780.869
Item 280.9790.693
Item 290.9780.868
Item 300.9780.868
Item 310.9790.654
Item 320.9780.806
Item 330.9780.818
Item 340.9790.733
Item 350.9790.679
Item 360.9790.754