Clinical Study
The Effects of Practice on the Concurrent Performance of a Speech and Postural Task in Persons with Parkinson Disease and Healthy Controls
Table 1
Participant demographics.
| | Groups | Variable | HY group | AM group | PD group |
| n(gender) | 10 (M = 4; F = 6) | 7 (M = 5; F = 2) | 7 (M = 7; F = 0) | Age | 25.50 (2.40) | 70.50 (11.90) | 68.70 (9.20) | Time since diagnosis | | | 4.11 (2.31) | Disease severity* (modified HY) | | | 2 (1.5–3) | Taking carbidopa/levodopa | | | Yes: 6 No: 1 | Dysarthria severity (1–10)* | | | 4.1 (1–7) | 6-month fall history | | | >2 falls: 3 0–2 falls: 4 |
HY group: healthy young adult controls; AM group: healthy age-matched controls; PD group: persons with PD. Median (range).