Research Article

Onset of Postural Instability in Parkinson’s Disease Depends on Age rather than Disease Duration

Table 1

Summary of demographics.

N = 106 patients; males/females: 58/48

Age at first manifestation of PD (years)5731.4–82.1
Age at onset of postural instability (years)73.2946.1–89.7
Höhn and Yahr scale (n = 83 patients)32–3
MoCA test (points) (n = 84 patients)224–29
Time between conduction of MoCA test and initial manifestation of postural instability (years)1.250–8
Treated with DBS when postural instability occurred (%)56.2
Total MDS-UPDRS III at postural instability onset (points)3014–76

Table 1 shows a summary of the demographics and clinical characteristics of the patients investigated in this study. DBS: deep brain stimulation; PD: Parkinson’s disease; MoCA: Montréal Cognitive Assessment; MDS-UPDRS: International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale.