Research Article

The Need for Psychiatric Assessment in Children with Down Syndrome and Factors Affecting Their Use of Mental Health Services: A Cross-Sectional Study from Turkey

Table 1

Sociodemographic variables of children with DS and their parents.

VariablesMean (n)Standard deviation (%)

Age (years)74.7
Maternal age39.37.3
Paternal age41.87.4
Maternal educational status
 Primary school2534.8
 High school2331.9
 University and higher education2230.5
Paternal educational status
 Primary school2332
 High school2433.3
 University and higher education2534.7
Maternal employment status
 No employment4055.6
 Currently employed3244.4
Reasons for mothers’ unemployment
 To meet the needs of the child with DS1435.9
 Other reasons1743.6
Paternal employment status
 No employment1013.9
 Currently employed6286.1
Kinship between parents