Research Article

The Need for Psychiatric Assessment in Children with Down Syndrome and Factors Affecting Their Use of Mental Health Services: A Cross-Sectional Study from Turkey

Table 3

Clinical variables of children associated with psychiatric assessment.

VariablesMedian (n)IQR (%)

Age at the first psychiatric assessment42
Way of applying to the psychiatry clinic
 Upon the parents’ demand1825
 Referral from other pediatric clinics4562.5
Reason for applying to the psychiatry clinic
 To apply for a medical report which is needed to get “special education”4562.5
 General psychiatric assessment1419.4
 Psychiatric problems1013.9
 Referral from other pediatric departments34.2
Presence of any psychiatric concerns reported by caregivers at the first psychiatric assessment
Presence of any psychiatric diagnosis identified by a child psychiatrist
 Behavioral problems912.5
Need for psychopharmacological treatment

IQR: interquartile range, ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and ASD: autism spectrum disorder.