Research Article

The Relationship of Hedonic Hunger and Night-Eating Symptoms with Difficulties in Emotion Regulation in Young Adults

Table 1

Demographic characteristics of students.


Age ( ± SD)21.58 ± 2.98
BMI ( ± SD)22.06 ± 3.71
 Underweight (<18.5 kg/m2)14114.0
 Normal weight (<18.5–24.9 kg/m2)68768.0
 Overweight and obese (≥25.0 kg/m2)18218.0
Disease diagnosis made by the doctor
Physical activity ≥150 minute/week
Thinking that you are doing enough physical activity
 Not sure22722.5
Daily sleep duration
 <4 hours131.3
 4–6 hours11711.6
 6–8 hours56155.5
 >8 hours31931.6

BMI: Body Mass Index.