Research Article

Mental and Physical Symptoms and Perceived Health Risks of Pregnant and Postpartum Women following the Significant Shift in COVID-19 Management in China: A Cross-Sectional Survey

Table 2

Perceived health risks from the COVID-19 infection (N = 1,013).

VariablesNo COVID-19 diagnosis (N = 423)COVID-19 diagnosis (N = 590)Overall
n (%)n (%)n (%)

Concerned about the impact of COVID-19 infection on health
No330 (78.0%)134 (22.7%)464 (45.8%)
Yes93 (22.0%)456 (77.3%)549 (54.2%)

Concerned about the crowding out in health care resources
No341 (80.6%)186 (31.5%)527 (52.0%)
Yes82 (19.4%)404 (68.5%)486 (48.0%)

Prepared medication related to the SARS-CoV-2 infection in advance
No321 (75.9%)169 (28.6%)490 (48.4%)
Yes102 (24.1%)421 (71.4%)523 (51.6%)

Measures taken to prevent the SARS-CoV-2 infection
Wearing a mask405 (95.7%)580 (98.3%)985 (97.2%)
Washing hands frequently368 (87.0%)567 (96.1%)935 (92.3%)
Disinfecting belongings328 (77.5%)523 (88.6%)851 (84.0%)
Reducing visits to crowded places266 (62.9%)534 (90.5%)800 (79.0%)
Maintaining social isolation213 (50.4%)485 (82.2%)698 (68.9%)
No measures taken11 (2.6%)8 (1.4%)19 (1.9%)