Research Article

Dexamethasone Coanalgesic Administration in Steroid Naïve and Steroid Non-Naïve Patients for the Prevention of Pain Flares after Palliative Radiotherapy for Bone Metastases

Table 1

Participant demographic, clinical, and treatment data (mean ± SD, unless otherwise specified).

Steroid naïve (n = 14)Steroid non-naïve (n = 15)

Age (years)61, 29 ± 14, 6357, 67 ± 9, 000.315
Gender (male/female)5/97/80.550
ECOG (0-1/2-3)5/96/90.827
ASA (1/2/3/4)0/0/8/60/0/9/60.876
Primary cancer site (breast/prostate/lung/other)9/0/3/23/1/4/70.059
Index site of radiated bone lesion(s) (cervico-thoracic/lumbo-sacral/other)7/4/33/8/40.234
Radiation dose fractionations (8 Gy/1 fr./20 Gy/5 fr.)2/122/131.000
Index pain analgesia (nonopioid analgesia/opioid analgesia)7/78/71.000
Oral morphine equivalent (OME) (mg/day)40, 71 ± 67, 1792, 13 ± 109, 450.176
WHO-analgesic ladder (nonopioids/weak opioids/strong opioids)9/1/46/3/60.401
Analgesic quantification algorithm [11] (none/weak/strong ≤75 mg/day/strong >75–150 mg/day/strong >150–300 mg/day)9/1/4/0/06/3/3/2/10.361
Received bisphosphonates (yes/no)4/102/130.390