Research Article

Dexamethasone Coanalgesic Administration in Steroid Naïve and Steroid Non-Naïve Patients for the Prevention of Pain Flares after Palliative Radiotherapy for Bone Metastases

Table 2

Dosage, efficacy, and safety of implemented dexamethasone prophylaxis.

Steroid naïve (n = 14)Steroid non-naïve (n = 15)

Dexamethasone parenteral dosage (4 mg/8 mg)13/19/60.041
Prevention of radiation-induced pain flares (yes/no)10/49/60.503
Prevention of radiation-induced nausea and vomiting (yes/no)8/612/30.188
Experienced dexamethasone-induced side effects (yes/no)0/144/140.039