Research Article

The Insurgence of Tramadol Abuse among the Most Active Population in Jirapa Municipality: A Study to Assess the Magnitude of the Abuse and Its Contributory Factors

Table 2

Prevalence of tramadol misuse/abuse.

CharacteristicsFrequency ()Percent (%)()

Aware of tramadol40295.7
Seen tramadol28066.7
Tramadol use15236.2
Used tramadol without physician approval/inappropriate use11877.6
Duration of tramadol usage
 <1 month1711.2
 Less than 1 yr3221.1
 1-5 yrs7952.0
 5-10 yrs2415.7
# of capsule/tablet taken daily
 At least four2617.1
Mean milligram daily intake ()
Milligram taking on daily
 50 mg2818.4
 100 mg4630.3
 125 mg1811.8
 200 mg106.6
 Do not know5032.9
Know a person sick/mentally challenge due to tramadol abuse