Research Article
Influence of AFM Tip Temperature on THF Hydrate Stability: Theoretical Model and Numerical Simulation
Figure 10
Atomic force microscopy (Bruker, Dimension Edge) was used to study melting of THF hydrate. The probe spring constant is about 0.4 N/m. The atomic force microscopy is placed in a glove box, in which the dew point of the air is below -35°C. THF hydrate was prepared and tested on a cold table. (a) Approaching part of force-displacement curves measured at the THF hydrate temperature of -20°C. After the laser intensity decreases to 30% with an optical filter, the jump-in distances on THF hydrate were determined from force-displacement curves, at the temperatures of -10°C (b), -20°C (c), and -30°C (d).
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |