Faulty Suppression of Irrelevant Material in Patients with Thought Disorder Linked to Attenuated Frontotemporal Activation
Figure 3
Post-hoc 2 group comparisons: semantic congruency (congruent versus incongruent trials). (a) healthy controls () versus schizophrenic patients with formal thought disorder (FTD, ) (b, c) FTD versus schizophrenic patients without formal Thought Disorder (Non-FTD, ). (a) Controls show greater activation relative to FTD in the inferior frontal gyrus bilaterally, dorsal portions, in the left middle temporal gyrus (BA 22), in the left lingual gyrus, in the left precuneus, and in the cerebellum (posterior lobe) bilaterally. (b) Non-FTD patients showed greater activation of bilateral middle frontal gyrus and bilateral anterior cingulate, relative to FTD. (c) FTD patients show greater activation relative to Non-FTD patients in the right posterior cingulate. The left side of the brain images correspond to the right side of the brain. The superior part of the brain images correspond to the anterior brain region.