Research Article

History of Suicide Attempt Is Associated with Reduced Medial Prefrontal Cortex Activity during Emotional Decision-Making among Men with Schizophrenia: An Exploratory fMRI Study

Table 1

Participant characteristics.

SCZ + S ()SCZ − S ()Healthy controls ()Significance

Age, mean (SE)39.1 (2.2)32.1 (2.1)32.1 (1.8);
Handedness, % right72.7100.095.0;
Ethnicity, % Caucasian92.384.290.5;
IQ, (SE)93.6 (4.6)89.2 (2.1)101.2 (3.5);
BART total $ (SE)17.9 (1.2)18.1 (1.2)19.4 (1.1);
BIS total (SE)67.0 (3.0)63.7 (2.2)52.9 (1.7);
Diagnoses5 SA2 SA-;
Age of onset (SE)26.7 (3.5)21.1 (1.1)-;
 Positive17.0 (1.0)16.1 (0.5)-;
 Negative16.2 (0.8)17.5 (1.4)-;
 General37.1 (1.8)35.7 (1.4)-;
Clozapine, %46.255.6-;
Olanzapine equivalents mg (SE)18.9 (3.3)11.5 (1.4)-;

BART = Balloon Analogue Risk Task; BIS = Barratt Impulsiveness Scale; PANSS = Positive And Negative Syndrome Scale; IQ = intelligence quotient; SA = schizoaffective disorder; SCZ + S = schizophrenia with lifetime suicidal attempt; SCZ − S = schizophrenia without violent behavior or suicidal attempt; SE = standard error of the mean; SCZ + S > Healthy and SCZ − S (). SCZ − S < Healthy (); SCZ − S and SCZ + S > Healthy ().