Research Article

Impacts of Different Tree Species of Different Sizes on Spatial Distribution of Herbaceous Plants in the Nigerian Guinea Savannah Ecological Zone

Table 5

Half matrix of similarity and dissimilarity (in parenthesis) of species composition among inside and outside crown zones of the tree of different sizes. PB: P. biglobosa; DO: D. oliveri; VP: V. paradoxa.

Jaccard’s similarity indexSmall VP outsideBig VP insideBig VP outsideSmall PB insideSmall PB outsideBig PB insideBig PB outside

Small VP inside0.43 (0.57)0.5 (0.5)0.33 (0.77) 0.4 (0.6)0.38 (0.62)0.47 (0.53)0.43 (0.67)
Small VP outside0.53 (0.47)0.44 (0.66)0.52 (0.48)0.49 (0.51)0.36 (0.64)0.46 (0.54)
Big VP inside0.57 (0.43)0.45 (0.55)0.56 (0.44)0.44 (0.66)0.53 (0.47)
Big VP outside0.41 (0.59)0.56 (0.44)0.39 (0.61)0.58 (0.42)
Small PB inside0.42 (0.58)0.38 (0.62)0.47 (0.53)
Small PB outside0.32 (0.68)0.67 (0.33)
Big PB inside0.37 (0.63)