Research Article

An Economic Analysis of Tourism Contribution for Urban Poverty Reduction in Major Tourist Towns of North Shewa Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Table 11

Coefficients of determination: urban poverty reduction.

ModelUnstandardized coefficientsStandardized coefficientstSig.Collinearity statistics
BStd. errorBetaToleranceVIF

Credit infrastructure, tourism education, and policy0.1230.0550.1462.2390.0260.7981.252
Lack of market knowledge and communication infrastructure−0.0640.052−0.077−1.2410.2150.8971.115
Lack of funding aids and government concern−0.1340.051−0.171−2.6350.0090.8141.229

Source: Field Survey, 2021. aDependent variable: urban poverty reduction.