Research Article

Fine-Grained Control-Flow Integrity Based on Points-to Analysis for CPS

Listing 5

LLVM bitcode after instrumentation.
1 store void (...) bitcast (void () @func2 to void
(...)), void (...) %2, align 8 // Assign the
address of the function bar to %2
2 %4 = load void (...), void (...) %2, align 8 //
Assign %2 to %4
3 %5 = bitcast void (...) %4 to i8, !nosanitize !3
4 %6 = call i1 @llvm.bitset.test(i8 %5, metadata !"
_ZTSFvE_test.c_13"), !nosanitize !3 // Determine
if %5 is in the bitset set corresponding to
5 br i1 %6, label %8, label %7, !nosanitize !3
7; <label>:7: ; preds = %0
8 call void @llvm.trap() #2, !nosanitize !3
9 unreachable, !nosanitize !3
11; <label>:8: ; preds = %0
12 call void (...) %4()
14 !llvm.bitsets = !!0, !1}
16 !0 = !!"_ZTSFvE_test.c_16", void () @foo, i64 0}
17 !1 = !!"_ZTSFvE_test.c_16", void () @bar, i64 0}