Research Article

Order-Revealing Encryption Scheme with Comparison Token for Cloud Computing

Algorithm 2

Tree search.
(ii) encrypted PORE tree:
(iii) search token:  = ( )
(v) encrypted results:
(1)CSP proceeds the search algorithm twice, once for to find the leftmost leaf node and once for to find the rightmost leaf node;
(3) CSP checks whether by checking whether there exists a row in matrix such that the positions of are equal to 1;
(4) Afterwards, CSP finds the largest value satisfying and updates its corresponding child as the new value for ;
(5)end for
(6)CSP obtains the leftmost leaf node and the rightmost leaf node;
(7)Finally, CSP returns results which include data items in leaf nodes between the two leaf nodes, in the leftmost leaf node satisfying and in the rightmost leaf node satisfying .