Research Article

A Diagnosis and Hardening Platform for an Asterisk VoIP PBX

Table 1

Security events raised by the PBX through the AMI.

Event nameSituation when it is raised

AuthMethodNotAllowedA request used an authentication method not allowed by the service
ChallengeSentAn Asterisk service sends an authentication challenge to a request
FailedACLA request violates an ACL check
FullyBootedAll Asterisk initialization procedures have finished
InvalidAccountIDA request fails an authentication check due to an invalid account ID
InvalidPasswordA request provides an invalid password during an authentication attempt
LoadAverageLimitA request fails because a configured average load limit has been reached
MemoryLimitA request fails due to an internal memory allocation failure
RequestBadFormatA request is received with bad formatting
RequestNotAllowedA request is not allowed by the service
RequestNotSupportedA request fails due to some aspect of the request not being supported by the service
SessionLimitA request fails due to exceeding the number of allowed concurrent sessions for the service
SuccessfulAuthA request successfully authenticates with a service
UnexpectedAddressA request has a different source address from the expected for an ongoing session