Research Article

A Novel Method for Network Intrusion Detection

Algorithm 3

Classification algorithm.
Input: network connection I and FCTA
Output: category of I
(1) Preprocessing the network connection I
(4)for each i ∈ FCTA do
(5)  simValue ⟵ Sim( VC, i )
(6)  Accumulate the similarity by category
(7)end for
(8) maxSim ⟵ 0, k ⟵ 0
(9)for i = 1 to n do
(10)  avgSim ⟵ Avg (each category simValue)
(11)  if avgSim > maxSim
(12)   maxSim ⟵ avgSim
(13)   k ⟵ i
(14)  end if
(15)end for
(16) the classification of d ⟵ k