Research Article

A Hyperparameter Optimization Algorithm for the LSTM Temperature Prediction Model in Data Center

Algorithm 1

Hyperparameter optimization algorithm based on MLP.
Input: hyperparameter space (X), initial selection of hyperparameter amount (N), screening ratio (t), disturbance ratio (k), stability weight coefficients (W)
Output: a set of optimal hyperparameters
(1)x = random_get_hyperparameters (N)//initially randomly select N sets of hyperparameters from the hyperparameter space
(2)R = run_and_get_loss (A (x))//Train the A model with the selected hyperparameters to get RMSE
(3) (x, R)//Training MLP model with trained hyperparameters and their RMSE
(4)While (N > 1) Do
(5)N = N/t//Gradually reduce N according to the screening ratio
(6)MLP.predict (x)//Predict the RMSE of hyperparameters with MLP model
(7)x = use_MLP_get_hyperparameters (N)//
Select the top N sets of hyperparameters according to the MLP prediction results
(8)x = ++use_disturbance_hyperparameters (N/k)//Perturb the optimal hyperparameters according to a certain proportion to increase the possibility of optimal solutions
(9)R = run_and_get_loss (A (x))
(10)MLP.refit (x, R)//retraining MLP
(11)For i ≤ k DO//Take the first k groups of hyperparameters with the smallest RSME
(12)L[i] = W∗Normalized_Quadratic loss function [i] +RSME[i]//Normalize the squared loss function
(13)Return x, R, L