Research Article

Ankle Blood Pressure and Pulse Pressure as Predictors of Cerebrovascular Morbidity and Mortality in a Prospective Follow-Up Study

Figure 2

Kaplan-Meier curves for cerebrovascular (CV) events according to specified blood pressure group. Log-rank test for the difference between the blood pressure groups: 𝑃 < . 0 0 0 1 . The numbers indicate people remaining in the follow-up at different points in time. The reference group consists of patients with normal brachial pressure (<140 mmHg), ankle blood pressure <175 mmHg and exercise blood pressure ≤215 mmHg at the moderate exercise level. Group 2 had elevated ankle blood pressure (≥175 mmHg), but normal exercise blood pressure. Group 3 had elevated ankle and exercise blood pressure. Group 4 had ankle blood pressure <175 mmHg but elevated exercise blood pressure (discrepancy), and group 5 could not be classified because of poor exercise tolerance.