Research Article

Effectiveness of Passive and Active Surveillance for Early Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Mink during the 2020 Outbreak in the Netherlands

Table 1

Available data from the 126 Dutch mink farms from April to November 2020.

Source of the dataAvailable parameters

Serological ELISA evaluationUnique herd number (UHI), sample number, date of sampling, date at which the result was available, and serological test result
Early warning RT-PCR testingUHI, sample number, date of sampling, date at which the result was available, Ct-value, and qualitative result (positive or negative)
Clinical investigationUHI, date of official diagnosis, farm size, start and end culling date, the surveillance component that indicated the suspicion (screening, early warning, or notification of clinical signs), date first sample was tested positive, whether clinical signs were observed, the date of first signs, and the type of observed clinical signs