Research Article

Seasonal Mortality of Wild Atlantic Menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) Is Caused by a Virulent Clone of Vibrio (Listonella) anguillarum; Implications for Biosecurity along the Atlantic Coastal United States

Table 4

Number of sequence reads of the V3 and V4 regions of the 16S rDNA of the most abundant bacteria detected from brain (B) and kidney (K) tissue pools from moribund fish.

Bacterial speciesB1B2B3B4K1K2K3K4

V. anguillarum37,47039,14440,19833,437769913249
Wolbachia sp.4402182219312,1274,5983,2204,495
Bacteroides sp.270126535551,3524,2122,1282,110
Faecalibacterium sp.4866492421,3663492,565986
Pseudomonas sp.8359433,8413851291,332

Percent identity within nucleotide sequence length was: V. anguillarum 99.8% (456 bp) multiple sequences, W. pipientis 99.3% (283 bp) Accession# CP037426, B. vulgatus 99.8% (454 bp) Accession# MT515977, F. prausnitzii 99.8% (434 bp) multiple sequences, and Pseudomonas sp. 99.8% (456 bp) multiple sequences.