Research Article

Pathogenesis, Transmission, and Within-Host Evolution of Bovine-Origin Influenza D Virus in Pigs

Figure 2

IDV shedding by inoculated and contact pigs. (a) Qualitative results of PB1-gene RT-qPCR on nasal swabs taken on pigs from D0 to D16. Parts with coloured background indicate the detection of IDV genome was possible. Ct values are shown in the coloured background sections. White background parts containing “>40” indicate that no viral genome was detected. Coloured background parts containing Ct values written in white font indicate that despite genome detection by RT-qPCR, viral titration was not possible. (b) IDV shedding in nasal secretion. Means (±standard deviation) of infectious titers (TCID50/ml log10-transformed) obtained in infected or contact groups over time after inoculation. Indicates that the NI group shed a significantly more important quantity of titrable virus particles than the TI group at D1, D2, and D3 (p value < 0.05). (c) Global amounts of IDV infectious particles shed from D0 to D14. Boxplot representations around the median for the TI group (deep red), NI group (deep blue), and TIC + NIC group (light purple). Indicates significantly different AUC with p value < 0.05, and indicates significantly different AUC with a p value < 0.005.