Research Article

Prevalence and Triggering Factors of Headache among Jordanian Adolescents in Al-Mafraq Region

Table 3

Characteristics of headache among adolescents ( = 322).

VariablesN (322)

Time of headache (most of the time)
 Morning97 (30.1)
 Afternoon225 (69.9)
Pain intensity (most of the time)
 Mild107 (33.2)
 Moderate160 (49.7)
 Severe55 (17.1)
Associated characteristics (most of the time)
 Throbbing14 (4.3)
 Pressure like34 (10.6)
 Exploding7 (2.2)
 Burning14 (4.4)
 Dullness like44 (13.7)
 Aching40 (12.4)
 Develop gradually65 (20.2)
 Sharp pain53 (16.5)
 Difficult to described51 (15.8)
Duration of the pain (hours)
 <485 (26.4)
 4–72155 (48.1)
 >7282 (25.5)
Affect routine activity
 Yes105 (32.6)
 No217 (67.4)
Increase school absentees
 Yes194 (60.2)
 No128 (39.8)
Family history for headache
 Mother41 (12.7)
 Father43 (13.4)
 Brothers or sisters34 (10.6)
 More than one family member28 (8.7)
 No history167 (51.9)
 Do not know9 (2.8)
Seeking medical help for headache
 Yes62 (19.3)
 No260 (80.7)
Treatment modality
 Sleeping216 (67.1)
 Eating17 (5.3)
 Drinking11 (3.4)
 Medication62 (19.3)
 Others16 (5.0)
Advice on using analgesics
 Family161 (50.0)
 School staff19 (5.9)
 Nurse10 (3.1)
 Pharmacists40 (14.4)
 Physician18 (5.6)
 Friends17 (5.3)
 None33 (10.2)
 Others24 (7.5)
Common symptoms associated with migraine
 Intensity increased with physical activity34 (68.0)
 Pulsating pain29 (58.0)
 Unilateralism27 (54.0)
 Photophobia21 (42.0)
 Phonophobia11 (22.0)
 Vomiting10 (20.0)
 Nausea7 (14.0)
 Others4 (8.0)

N is the number of adolescents with headache.