Research Article

Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics: Deriving Forces and Perceptions of Local Community in Derashe, Southern Ethiopia

Table 2

Description of LULC classes, field survey 2022.

No.LULC classDescriptionPhoto

1SettlementResidential (urban & rural), socioeconomic infrastructure (transportation (roads, stations), tel communication, and utilities), and mixed residential lands

2AgriculturalAll cultivated and uncultivated agricultural lands such as crop fields, orchards, groves, vineyards, nurseries, and ornamental horticultural areas, farmsteads, corrals, small farm ponds, ditches, and canals in the farm

3ForestNatural forests, plantation forest (man-made), mixed forest lands and forests on customary land

4BushLand covered by scattered various woody shrubs and bushy small trees occur in dense-to- open thickets and mixed with grass vegetation including bare land; wet land and grass/range lands found mostly in hilly areas and closures water shades

5Water bodyRivers (including dry rivers visible on the image) and permanent open water bodies