Research Article

Pharmaceutical Assessment of the Impact of the Method of Extraction on the Suitability of Pectin from Plantain (Musa paradisiaca) Peels as a Suspending Agent in Oral Liquid Formulations

Table 5

pH of acacia and pectin suspensions.

Weeks(Acacia) 1%ACEP 1%ALEP 1%Acacia 2%ACEP 2%ALEP 2%

Week 13.58 ± 0.0123.51 ± 0.033ns3.45 ± 0.032ns3.70 ± 0.0293.67 ± 0.009ns3.43 ± 0.006ns
Week 22.67 ± 0.0092.93 ± 0.045ns3.04 ± 0.012ns2.91 ± 0.0033.02 ± 0.038ns3.81 ± 0.038ns
Week 33.06 ± 0.0153.17 ± 0.006ns3.96 ± 0.006ns3.22 ± 0.0063.18 ± 0.006ns3.94 ± 0.006ns
Week 43.14 ± 0.0063.38 ± 0.037ns3.18 ± 0.010ns3.39 ± 0.0093.43 ± 0.021ns4.19 ± 0.035ns

Each value is expressed as the mean ± SD (n = 3).  > 0.05 nonsignificant (ns).