Research Article

Cattle Reproductive Disorders Documented from Gaushalas of Nepal

Table 1

Demography of respondents representing various gaushalas in Nepal includes variables, such as gender, age, education level, ethnicity, religion, job role, and duration of involvement at gaushalas.

VariablesNo. of respondents (%)

Male23 (85.19)
Female4 (14.81)

18–252 (7.41)
26–354 (14.81)
36–458 (29.63)
46–559 (33.33)
56–654 (14.81)

Education level
No formal education2 (7.41)
Below 10th class12 (44.44)
10th class6 (22.22)
10 + 2 class4 (14.81)
Graduate3 (11.11)

Brahmin12 (44.44)
Chhetri9 (33.33)
Janajati5 (18.52)
Dalit1 (3.70)

Hinduism27 (100)

Job role at Gaushala
Work directly with animals10 (37.04)
Team leader: supervise people who work directly with animals17 (62.96)

Duration of involvement at Gaushalas
3 years13 (48.5)
3–5 years8 (29.63)
5–9 years3 (11.11)
10 to 15 years1 (3.70)
More than 15 years2 (7.41)