Research Article

[Retracted] Design and Application of Land Resource Management System Based on Internet of Things

Table 8

Information release function test table.

ProjectFunction and description

Case nameInformation release function test case
Function descriptionAfter entering the system, the administrator of the land department will create a new “information release” information of land resources. After filling in the release content, the system will automatically verify and click the “release” button. If it is complete, call the save method to save it to the database. If it is incomplete, prompt the user to modify and improve it
Execution process(1) Successfully logged in to the system
(2) Select information type
(3) Enter release information
(4) Integrity verification, incomplete to 5, complete to 6
(5) Prompt users to modify and improve
(6) Save publishing information
(7) End
InputMandatory parts and some necessary non mandatory parts of the information to be published
Expected outputIf the information is incomplete, the system will give a prompt. If the information is complete, the system will save and return the result
Actual outputAfter all the required inputs are entered, the information is published successfully, and the system returns the corresponding operation results; the system can also give a prompt when the required input content is incomplete.