Research Article

A New Type of Tri-Input TFET with T-Shaped Channel Structure Exhibiting Three-Input Majority Logic Behavior

Table 1

Device parameters.

Device parametersOptimized values

Source doping profile1 × 1020 cm−3 (P++)
Drain doping profile1 × 1018 cm−3 (N++)
Body doping profile1 × 1014 cm−3 (N)
Body thickness (TSi)5 nm
Gate length (LG)30 nm
Source length (LS)30 nm
Drain length (LD)30 nm
Gate dielectric thickness (TGD)3 nm
Work function of Gate 14.05 eV–4.11 eV
Work function of Gate 24.05 eV–4.11 eV
Work function of Gate 34.05 eV–4.11 eV