Research Article

Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among People Living with HIV in Nepal

Table 10

Binary logistic regression analysis of patients’ adherence to antiretroviral medicines with various predictor variables.

PredictorsB (SE) value95% CI for OR [lower–upper]Nagelkerke R2

Age (years)
 18–38−17.70 (9220.89)0.99800.03
 39–58−17.56 (9220.89)0.9980
 Male−0.76 (1.16)0.5140.46 [0.04–4.59]0.014
Education level
 Illiterate0 (13580.53)1.0001.000 [0–]
 Just read and write−17.61 (12118.65)0.9990 [0–]0.109
 Secondary level−18.34 (12118.65)0.9990 [0–]
 Service holders−21.20 (15191.58)0.9990 [0–]
 Businessman0 (17349.99)1.0001.00 [0–]
 Labor−18.06 (15191.58)0.9990 [0–]
 Agriculture0 (15719.48)1.0001.00 [0–]
 Unemployed−19.81 (15191.58)0.9990 [0–]
Smoking habit
 Never smoked2.20 (1.29)0.0889.08 [0.71–114.85]
 1-2 cigarettes per day1.87 (1.48)0.2066.50 [0.35–118.37]0.075
 3-4 cigarettes per day19.41 (15191.51)0.9992.691010 [0–]
Alcohol consumption
 Never−17.51 (40192.97)1.0000 [0–]
 Once a month0 (41057.44)1.0001.00 [0–]
 2-3 times a month0 (41511.12)1.0001.00 [0–]0.273
 2-3 times a week0 (49226.13)1.0001.00 [0–]
 3-4 times a week−42.40 (56841.44)0.9990 [0–]
Drug addiction history
 Never−17.57 (12710.13)0.9990 [0–]0.017
 In past but not currently0 (42154.74)1.0001.00 [0–]
HIV diagnosed
 Less than a year ago17.25 (40192.96)1.0003.12109 [0–]0.074
 1–3 years ago−2.33 (1.24)0.0600.09 [0.009–1.10]
Start of ART
 Less than a year ago17.27 (20096.48)0.9993.18109 [0–]0.078
 1–3 years ago−2.31 (1.24)0.0620.09 [0.009–1.12]
Disclosure of HIV status
 No17.55 (15191.51)0.9994.19109 [0–]0.01
Educational intervention received
 No17.54 (16408.71)0.9994.16109 [0–]0.009