Research Article

Assessing the Professional Personality of College Counselors: A Student-Oriented Psychological Scale

Table 2

Results of the interviews.

DimensionDescriptive termsMain references

Career perceptions (16)Knowledgeable, rational, professional, culturally knowledgeable, pioneering, organized, responsible, hard thinking, studious, high accomplished, wide range of interests, resilient, visionary, methodical, plannedZhang et al. [45]; Li [18]
Career emotions (21)Sincere, caring for students, kind, optimistic, sincere, friendly, approachable, confident, humorous, respectful, easy-going, caring, gentle, truly, proactive, amiable, straightforward, humble, passionate, tolerant, warmZhang et al. [46]; Hu [47]
Career will (18)Fair, conscientious, dutiful, rigorous, disciplined, persevering, upright, self-reflective, exemplary, courageous, committed, self-aware, impartial, persistent, high moral character, united, bold, indifferent to fame and fortuneWang [48]; Lian et al. [49]
Career beliefs (16)Passion for the ruling party, patriotic, discerning, truthful, conscious, principled, firm, honest, calm, obedient, responsible, high ideals and beliefs, steady, dedicated, devoted, insistentZhou et al. [50]; Zhou and Wang [51]
Career behavior (16)Selfless, innovative, diligent, pragmatic, up-to-date, motivated, law-abiding, practicing, active, collaborative, industrious, factual, practical, helpful, stringent, elegantHuang et al. [52]; Xie [20]