Research Article

Influence of Childhood Adversity on Students’ Delinquent Activities: Interplay with Neighborhood Context and Delinquent Peer Association

Table 4

Construct reliability and convergent validity.

ConstructsItemsConvergent validityConstruct reliability
LoadingsAVECronbach’s alphaCR

ACEsACE score1111

Family deprivationFamily deprivation (FD)1111

Neighborhood disorganizationCrimes in neighborhood (ND1)0.8430.6920.7790.871
Drug dealing in neighborhood (ND2)0.806
Fighting in neighborhood (ND3)0.846

Neighborhood social capitalHelp (SC1)0.7760.5880.770.851
Cohesion (SC2)0.747
Trust (SC3)0.807
Friendliness (SC4)0.736

Delinquent peer associationPeer underage act (PUA) score0.8540.6380.8570.898
Peer substance abuse (PSA) score0.793
Peer violent delinquency (PVD) score0.847
Peer property delinquency (PPD) score0.745
Peer punishment (PP) score0.75

DelinquencyUnderage act score0.8660.6720.8370.891
Substance abuse score0.795
Violent delinquency score0.854
Property delinquency score0.76