Research Article

Content Analysis of Elderly Education Policies in China: From the Perspective of Policy Instruments (1982–2021)

Table 5

Distribution of policy instrument types in different elderly education types.

Supply-based (34.8%, 56/161) (%)Environment-based (59.6%, 96/161) (%)Demand-based (5.6%, 9/161) (%)

Government department elderly education (23/161)6/23, 26.115/23, 65.22/23, 8.7
General university elderly education (21/161)10/21, 47.611/21, 52.40/21, 0
Open university elderly education (12/161)6/12, 50.05/12, 41.71/12, 8.3
Community elderly education (75/161)31/75, 41.339/75, 52.05/75, 6.7
Social forces elderly education (23/161)3/30, 10.026/30, 86.71/30, 3.3