Case Report

Lip Repositioning Surgery: A Simple Smile and Life Transformation Procedure

Table 1

Treatment options for gummy smile.

Treatment modalityDescriptionAdvantagesDisadvantages

Botox injectionsInjection of botulinum toxin to the muscles of the upper lip in order to minimize gum exposure.Minimum downtime, noninvasive, and transient results.In severe cases, there may be limited effectiveness, numerous sessions required, and possibly short-lived results.
Crown lengtheningSurgery to reveal more of the tooth crown by removing extra gum tissue.Long-lasting outcomes, suitable for moderate to severe situations.Invasive process, risk for postoperative discomfort, extended recovery time.
Lip repositioningSurgical modification of the upper lip to restrict movement and hide the gums.Long-lasting outcomes, particularly in severe situations.Invasive, may cause asymmetry in the lips, take longer to heal, and need a skilled surgeon.
Orthodontic treatmentAligning the upper jaw and realigning teeth using braces or clear aligners.Long-term benefits for oral health; long-term drawbacks.Needs time commitment, potential case limitations, and lack of stand-alone treatment.
Gingival contouringReshaping gum tissue with a scalpel or laser to achieve a more harmonious ratio of gum to tooth.Quick process with minimal discomfort.There is a chance of gum sensitivity, a range of results, and suitability for certain situations.
Surgical jaw correctionOrthognathic surgery is aimed at lessening excessive gum exposure by realigning the upper jaw.Addresses underlying skeletal problems and provides a complete treatment.Extremely invasive, has a long recovery period, and calls for skilled surgeons.