Case Report

Incidental Finding of Thyroid Tuberculosis by Operation for Graves’ Disease: A Rare Case Presentation

Table 1

Summary of cases of thyroid tuberculosis in the literature.

CasesErsoy et al. [1]Raman et al. [8]Ouleghzal et al. [9]Our case

Case number1111
Patient age40 years38 years42 years33 years
Clinical presentation(i) Signs of hyperthyroidism
(ii) Lymphadenopathy + thyroid nodules
(i) Signs of hyperthyroidism + nodular goiter + high fever(i) Hyperthyroidism
(ii) Bilateral exophthalmia
(iii) Homogeneous goiter, elastic, and very vascular
(i) Signs of hyperthyroidism
(ii) Homogeneous goiter, and a very vascular
Diagnostic tests(i) TSHus: 0.0007 IU/ml (0.34–4.2)
(ii) FT3: 7 pg/ml (2.5–3.9)
(iii) FT4: 5.05 ng/dl (0.7–1.4)
(iv) Thyroid scintigraphy: grave’s disease + benign hypoactive nodule
(v) Fine needle aspiration (FNA): caseification necrosis
(i) TSH: 0.14 mIU/L
(ii) FT4: 25.1 ng/dL
(iii) CRP: 373 mg/L
(iv) ESR: 43 mm/h
(v) Ultrasound and CT scans: multinodular thyroid enlargement
(vi) Thyroid scintigraphy: no uptake in the thyroid
(i) TSH <0.005 mUI/ml
(ii) FT4: 98 pmol/l (12−22 pmol/)
(iii) FT3: 54 pmol/l (3,2–6 pmol/l)
(iv) Anti TSH receptor Ab (TRAb): 7.6 mUI/ml (<2)
(v) Cervical ultrasound: homogeneous hypo-echogenic thyroid that is highly vascularized on doppler
(i) TSH <0.05 mU/L
(ii) FT4: 43.24 pmol/L (10–28.2)
(iii) FT3: 13.4 pmol/L (4.0–8.3)
(iv) TRAb: 24 IU/L (<1.5 IU/L)
(v) Cervical ultrasound: Homogeneous thyroid, highly vascularized on doppler
Initial diagnostisGrave’s disease + TBTB thyroiditis on fine needle aspiration (FNA)Grave’s disease resistant to treatmentGrave’s disease with multiple relapses
Histological diagnosticcoexistence of TB and the graves’ diseasecoexistence of TB and the graves’ diseasecoexistence of TB and the graves’ disease
Treatment approachMedical treatment + thyroidectomy and TB treatmentTB treatment (6 months)Medical treatment + thyroidectomy and TB treatmentMedical treatment + thyroidectomy and TB treatment
OutcomeFavorable outcomeFavorable outcomeFavorable outcomeFavorable outcome

Note. TSH—thyroid-stimulating hormone, FNA—fine needle aspiration, and TB—tuberculosis.