Case Report

Statin-Induced Necrotizing Autoimmune Myopathy: Case Report of a Patient under Chronic Treatment

Figure 2

Histology of skeletal muscle biopsy. (a) Haematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining shows variation in fibres size and morphology, increased endomyisial connective tissue and several degenerating fibres (arrows). Magnification 20x. (b) Acid phosphatase staining reveals increased activity in the necrotic-degenerating fibres scattered among different fascicles. Magnification 20x. (c) Acid phosphatase staining marks intensively a necrotic fibre with macrophages infiltration. Magnification 20x. (d) Immunoperoxidase reaction with antibody against HLA1/MHC1 complex is present on the necrotic/degenerating fibres. Magnification 20x.