Case Report

Two Extremely Preterm Infants Discharged with a Home High-Flow Nasal Cannula for Severe Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Table 1

The table of detailed course for two cases.

Clinical courseThe setting of home HFNC

Case 1
Sex: male
Gestational age: 22 weeks + 6 days
Birth weight: 435 g
Birthday— 45th DOL: invasive ventilation with ETT
45–152nd DOL: nasal CPAP(biphasic mode)
(152–170th DOL: invasive ventilation with ETT, 170–193rd DOL: nasal CPAP (biphasic mode), 193–324th DOL: NIV-NAVA because of acute colonic perforation)
324–404th DOL: HFNC
404th DOL: discharge with home HFNC to home
At clinic: the parents want to adjust the timing when HFNC was attached or broken off, then we depended on their decision and advised them to elongate the duration of break off
6 L/min (4 L/min of room air and 2 L/min of oxygen)
FiO2 ≒ 47.3%

Case 2
Gestational age:
23 weeks + 5 days
Birth weight: 450 g
Birthday—50th DOL: invasive ventilation with ETT
50–90th DOL: NIV-NAVA
90–391th DOL: HFNC (182–191th DOL: invasive ventilation with ETT, 191–193rd DOL: NIV-NAVA, 193rd—HFNC because of acute exacerbation of PH)
391th DOL: discharge with home HFNC to the rehabilitation hospital
At clinic: we first set the timing of break off while the patient is awake, and finally break HFNC off also while she was asleep
6 L/min (5 L/min of room air and 1 L/min of oxygen)
FiO2 ≒ 34.1%

ETT: endotracheal tube; DOL: day of life; NIV-NAVA: noninvasive neurally adjusted ventilatory assist.