Review Article

Comparative Analysis of Hypertension Guidelines: Unveiling Consensus and Discrepancies in Lifestyle Modifications for Blood Pressure Control

Table 3

Summary of recommendations on sodium reduction in guidelines.

GuidelineSodium reductionClass of recommendation and level of evidence

2017 ACC [10]Sodium reduction is recommended for adults with elevated BP or hypertension. Optimal goal is <1500 mg/d, but aim for at least a 1000 mg/d reduction in most adultsI A
2018 ESC [11]Salt restriction to <5 g per day is recommendedI A
2019 NICE [12]Encourage people to keep their dietary sodium intake low, either by reducing or substituting sodium salt, as this can reduce blood pressureNA
2020 CAN [13]To prevent hypertension and reduce BP in hypertensive adults, consider reducing sodium intake toward 2000 mg (5 g of salt or 87 mmol of sodium) per dayGrade A
2020 ISH [14]Reduce salt added when preparing foods, and at the table. Avoid or limit consumption of high-salt foods such as soy sauce, fast foods, and processed food including breads and cereals high in saltNA

1 mg sodium = 2.54 mg salt.