Research Article

Body Weight Variability and Risk of Suicide Mortality: A Nationwide Population-Based Study

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of participants according to the body weight variability (VIM).

ParametersTotal ()Body weight variability
Q1 ()Q2 ()Q3 ()Q4 ()

Male1241020 (62.6)317761 (64.2)319121 (64.2)314771 (63.5)289367 (58.4)
Age (years)
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
WC (cm)
BMI (kg/m2)
Systolic BP (mmHg)
Diastolic BP (mmHg)
Glucose (mg/dL)
TC (mg/dL)195.7 ± 36.2196.3 ± 35.9195.8 ± 35.8195.7 ± 36.1194.9 ± 37.0
Obesity653706 (33.0)169986 (34.3)157806 (31.8)159286 (32.1)166628 (33.6)
Diabetes163479 (8.2)40710 (8.2)38904 (7.8)39830 (8.0)44035 (8.9)
Hypertension496898 (25.1)130998 (26.5)122664 (24.7)121243 (24.5)121993 (24.6)
Dyslipidemia343453 (17.3)88361 (17.8)84937 (17.1)84502 (17.1)85653 (17.3)
CKD144518 (7.3)37287 (7.5)36070 (7.3)34894 (7.0)36267 (7.3)
Low income322203 (16.2)79251 (16.0)79605 (16.0)80115 (16.2)83232 (16.8)
Depression54817 (2.8)12017 (2.4)12035 (2.4)13434 (2.7)17331 (3.5)
Bipolar disease1493 (0.08)215 (0.04)251 (0.05)378 (0.08)649 (0.13)
Schizophrenia1783 (0.09)281 (0.06)306 (0.06)421 (0.08)775 (0.16)
Anxiety116568 (5.9)27612 (5.6)27330 (5.5)28747 (5.8)32879 (6.6)
Insomnia55537 (2.8)12979 (2.6)12500 (2.5)13487 (2.7)1657 (3.3)
Current smoking550233 (27.7)131963 (26.6)139310 (28.0)142887 (28.8)136073 (27.4)
Alcohol drinking1029575 (51.9)259989 (52.5)263717 (53.1)260864 (52.6)245005 (49.4)
Regular exercise380953 (19.2)99848 (20.2)97467 (19.6)94698 (19.1)88940 (17.9)
All-cause death110158 (5.6)24198 (4.9)23502 (4.7)25976 (5.2)36482 (7.4)
Suicide5883 (0.30)1347 (0.27)1340 (0.27)1473 (0.30)1723 (0.35)

Data are expressed as , or (%). values for the trend were <0.001 for all variables due to the large size of the study population. BMI: body mass index; BP: blood pressure; CKD: chronic kidney disease; TC: total cholesterol; VIM: variability independent of the mean; WC: waist circumference.